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For TithingScan QR Code for tithing or input UEN No. T12SS0164DTTH
Please indicate only your <Tithing Number> in the Reference field.
Enter the amount
To confirm the transaction
For Offering
Scan QR Code for offering or input UEN No. T12SS0164D
Enter the amount
To confirm the transaction
For Missions OfferingScan QR Code for mission offering or input UEN No. T12SS0164DMIC
Please indicate the fund code (given during service each first Sunday of the month) you are giving to in the Reference field.
Enter the amount
To confirm the transaction
If you are unsure of/do not have your tithing number, you may drop us an email at members@cpc.sg and we will get back to you.
Giving Electronically
Giving In-Person
You may drop the deposit into the offering box placed at the entrance of the sanctuary.
For those who need the blue tithing envelope they can be found at the tables at the entrance of the sanctuary or requested for from our office.
We would appreciate if you can give either electronically or in cash.