Matthew: The Disciplemaker Manual
What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ?
What should that look like in your day-to-day life?
Join us in this series as we dive into the book of Matthew to follow the life of Jesus.
His journey gives us insight into how we can be faithful disciples who continue to make disciples.
INTRODUCTION - The Disciplemaker Manual
11 December 2022
Matthew | Rev Dr Henry Wong
We begin the Matthew series with an introduction of the background, context, and purpose of the book.
17 December 2023
Matthew 28 | Rev Jenni Ho-Huan
At Jesus’ resurrection, the guards and the women’s reacted in fear.
God meets us in our fear and doubt -yet entrusts us to act for Him.
You do not need to be perfect to experience His truth and share the good news.
3 December 2023
Matthew 27 | Pr Lionel Neo
It is easy to experience pain and suffering in life and say “God is not here”
How do we gain a Heavenly or Redemptive perspective -to view these as seasons of trials and testing?
Is it possible to see God in the humility and shame of the cross?
26 November 2023
Matthew 26 | Pr Lionel Neo
Just like Jesus’s disciples, many of us think we bring commitment and skills to the table.
Is this the right approach to the relationship -or is it a situationship?
12 November 2023
Matthew 25:31-46 | Dr Ed Pousson
Through the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, Jesus reveals 3 surprising things about His Kingdom.
When the time of sorting comes, what kind of faith does Christ look for?
19 November 2023
Matthew 25:1-30 | Rev Dr Henry Wong
Jesus shares with his disciples 3 parables.
These stories centred around the return of 1 person. Some were ready, others were not.
Just like in the parables, how can we maintain a high level of readiness?
22 October 2023
Matthew 24 | Rev Dr Alan Pang
The disciples asked Jesus about the sign of His coming and the end of the age.
What was Jesus’ answer?
29 October 2023
Matthew 23 | Rev Dr Henry Wong
Jesus cautioned against the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. “..for they do not practice what they preach”. Similarly, we are prone to such hypocrisy as well.
What can we do to avoid becoming a modern day Pharisee?
15 October 2023
Matthew 22:15-46 | Pr Lionel Neo
Jesus is challenged by 3 groups with malicious intent to discredit and sabotage his ministry.
Instead he turns the tables on them.
How did Jesus do it?
1 October 2023
Matthew 21:18 - 22:14 | Pr Lionel Neo
Jesus tells the parable of the wedding feast. The King sent His servants out to invite the guests.
Some rejected the invitation, a another guest turns up inappropriately dressed.
What is Jesus revealing to us about His Kingdom?
24 September 2023
Matthew 21:1 - 17 | Pr Lionel Neo
The people expected a political leader, to deliver them from Roman rule.
Jesus came as the unexpected King -to deliver us from sin.
How should be orientate to the expectations of the King?
17 September 2023
Matthew 19:30 - 20:16 | Michael Low
The workers who worked the whole day, and those who worked 1 hour; got paid the same.
Not getting what we deserve vs. Getting what we have no right to ask for
How can we trust in the Grace of the Master?
10 September 2023
Matthew 19:16 - 22 | Rev Dr Henry Wong
A rich young man wanted to follow Jesus, yet turned away when he realised the truth about himself.
Jesus loves you despite everything, but what prevents us from making Him the King of our heart?
16 July 2023
Matthew 18:21 - 35 | Dr Ed Pousson
The unforgiving servant was not unable to forgive, but unwilling to forgive. He simply did not want to. What then would you say to someone who says, “I cannot forgive.”? Like the sinful woman at Jesus feet, God’s extravagant forgiveness of us should move our hearts to pay it forward, to forgive and love others. But what if it doesn’t? What can we do about it?
23 July 2023
Matthew 17:1- 27 | Rev Dr Henry Wong
Mountain top experience with Jesus. Just like the disciples, can we live in 2 realities?
How can we be plugged into God, and know His love?
2 July 2023
Matthew 16:1 - 28 | Pr Lionel Neo
Jesus carried the biggest cross and fulfilled the prophecies in the Old Testament. We as disciples of Jesus, seek the truth to reject confusion and false teaching. Confess His kingship and know His will to carry the cross just as Jesus did.
25 June 2023
Matthew 15:1 - 39 | Pr Lionel Neo
The Pharisees draws lines, separating the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’. But Jesus points us to the sinfulness of our own hearts. Though we are ‘out’, its faith like the Canaanite woman that puts us in. Finally, Jesus redraws lines, to include all who are hungry for Him.
11 June 2023
Matthew 13:44 - 46 | Dr Ed Pousson
Prayerfully reflect on the Twin Parables of the Buried Treasure and the Precious Pearl in Matthew 13:44-46. Read them as God’s Word to you personally. What do you think is the main emphasis of each parable and both of them together?
28 May 2023
Matthew 13:31 - 33 | Dr Ed Pousson
Prayerfully reflect on the Twin Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Leaven in Matthew 13:31-33. Read it as a personal word from God to you. What stands out? Any bizarre twists or unusual behavior? What do you think is the main emphasis of each parable and both of them together?
21 May 2023
Matthew 13:1 - 23 | Dr Ed Pousson
The Parable of the Sower compares the preaching of the kingdom to the sowing of seed. The condition of the soil determines the outcome. Likewise, the condition of our hearts determines the effect of the Gospel in our life and community.
7 May 2023
Matthew 12:1 - 50 | Rev Dr Henry Wong
God wants to remove the wrong things from our lives and fill us with the right things, and that happens when we’re continually filling ourselves with the presence of the Holy Spirit.
30 April 2023
Matthew 11:25 - 30 | Dr Ed Pousson
The saying of Jesus in Matthew 11:25-28 marks a critical turning point in Israel’s history and Salvation History. In the face of blatant rejection, Jesus rejoices and initiates a new beginning. The invitation he makes to his disciples “at that time” still stands. How will you respond? RSVP
16 April 2023
Matthew 9:35 - 10:42 | Pr Lionel Neo
Jesus commissions a movement with the mission of carrying His convicting message to the world, motivated by His compassion. Despite danger and opposition, His messengers declare the message, and display their master in their life and death.
2 April 2023
Matthew 9:1-34 | Mr Michael Low
Jesus comes to heal and restore, not just the physical, but in complete wholeness of body, spirit and community.
19 March 2023
Matthew 8:1-34 | Rev Dr Alan Pang
What is the hardest thing for you at the moment in your walk with Jesus? How do these accounts challenge your faith or bring you encouragement? What difference will the unstoppable authority of Jesus make in your life this week? How is God calling you to believe – to have faith – in Him? What is stopping you that cannot stop Jesus?
12 March 2023
Matthew 7:1-29 | Rev Dr Henry Wong
How would you describe your spiritual foundation: Shaky? Solid? Brand new? Slowly wearing away? Rebuilding? What would you have to tear down in order to solidify that foundation? How do you need others to help you in the process?
5 March 2023
Matthew 6 | Pr Lionel Neo
The way out of worry is by treasuring God's kingdom above all things, and entrusting our lives into the Father's hands
19 February 2023
Matthew 5:17-48 | Dr Ed Pousson
Are the six amendments of the Law in Matthew 5:21-48 requirements for salvation? Or results of salvation? Or a bit of both? What do getting angry and getting drunk have in common? Why is Jesus and the Bible generally so hard on human anger? What has helped you to control your anger?
12 February 2023
Matthew 5:1-16 | Dr Ed Pousson
How you have experienced one or more of the Beatitudes, both the top line (a situation in life) and the bottom line (some sort of blessing)?
5 February 2023
Matthew 4:1-25 | Mr Michael Low
What’s your currency? Jesus was tested in three areas; how would you respond? Likewise Jesus calls the disciples in their areas of gifting - what’s your kingdom currency?
29 January 2023
Matthew 3:13-17 | Pr Arunee Ng
We can respond to God’s delight in us expressed through Jesus’ baptism by being assured of our identity as His child and committing ourselves to His purpose for our lives.
15 January 2023
Matthew 3:1-12 | Rev Dr Henry Wong
Prepare yourself for the arrival of the Kingdom of God.
8 January 2023
Matthew 2 | Pr Lionel Neo
We can respond to Jesus, the one true King, like Herod, by clinging to what we have, or like the wise men, by seeking Him through sacrificial worship.
25 December 2022
Matthew 1:18-25 | Pr Lionel Neo
Just like Joseph, we receive Jesus into our lives by faith, both as the one who saves us from our sins, and the one who is always with us.
18 December 2022
Matthew 1:1-17 | Rev Dr Henry Wong
Matthew’s genealogy upholds God’s faithfulness and the undeserved grace He pours out on sinful people.